
By January 2009, there were an estimated 2.7 million IDPs in Iraq.

Over a third of the refugees who had returned from abroad due to financial constraints said they regretted the decision due to a lack of security, unemployment, economic hardship and insufficient public services.

The UNHCR noted a large increase in school dropouts among children, with access to education being hampered by high costs of transport, uniforms, and school supplies. Furthermore, IDPs often lived on land that was not their own and thus had limited access to public services and clean water, causing severe health concerns.

A young Iraqi husband and wife trying to support and protect their two 11-month-old boys, each of whom was suffering from dysentery and had only a single t-shirt to wear on small frames. With only one cow to produce for them and a harsh winter of numerous 20-degree nights ahead of them, the family was in desperate need of assistance. Through donations from Give to the World, the family received multiple blankets, clothes and medicine. The husband and wife were overjoyed by the assistance and credit the Give to the World donations with saving the lives of their children.

Give to the World works with our partner SAMS, through this partnership, we mitigated the COVID-19 crisis in the Kurdistan region in Iraq by sponsoring PPEs and selected small equipment to a newly established inpatient facility and teaching hospital in the Duhok area specifically for COVID-19 response. This area supports a population of at least 88,000 across six camps within a 5 km distance. SAMS also provided essential medicines and supplies to Baghdad’s Ibn Al Khatib Hospital to replace those destroyed in the April 2021 fire.



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