Volunteer-Based Support for Global Communities in Conflict Zones

We offer ongoing aid in Ukraine, Somalia, Colombia, and the Middle East, delivering medical supplies, education, clean water, and emergency relief.

Why Your Donation Matters?

Every donation to Give to the World directly impacts the lives of those in need. Your contribution helps us deliver critical medical supplies, educational resources, and humanitarian aid to vulnerable communities worldwide. Together, we can provide hope and support to those facing crises.


in US pharmaceutical value supplied to Ukraine


donated for East Africa development


impact ratio, maximizing every dollar spent for maximum impact.

We are 100% Volunteer-Based: Every Contribution Directly Reaches Those in Need

Join Us in Making a Difference

Explore Our Impact: View Our 2023 Annual Report


$40 Million in pharmaceuticals delivered to Ukraine, achieved with just $40,000


Treatment of 4,118 civilians in need in Dalsan village and the liberated city of Galcad


Supported over 1,500 refugee children in Greece and responded to emergencies in Libya and Morocco.